
Thoughts On WWE SummerSlam 2011

One of the biggest pay-per-view shows of WWE was held last Sunday and I was able to watch it through the magic of Internet. SummerSlam is an annual pay-per-view event of WWE that features interesting line of single and championship matches. Just last month, Triple H has been assigned as the new COO (Chief Operating Officer) of WWE. I am personally happy seeing Triple H again in WWE. Though he is no longer stepping in the ring to fight, I’m contented seeing him almost every episode of Raw and SmackDown. He is one the wrestlers I really love together with Shawn Michaels and Stone Cold among others. Since he took charge, there have been a lot of changes in the company and how it handles the business. Though Triple H seems a better man for the job compared to his father-in-law Vince McMahon, his skills and credibility were first tested through the SummerSlam event.

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And That’s The Bottom Line

Wrestling is not a popular sport in the Philippines, in the sense that there are neither wrestling tournaments nor wrestlers that you could watch and see competing in the sports facilities of the country. Although there are some Filipino wrestlers known in the US or other countries, and there’s even Wrestling Association of the Philippines (found it through Google), I’m not actually sure if there’s really a wrestling sport here.

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